The 7 Rays, 2020
The piece has 7 colours in the spectrum blending fluidly from one into the next.
He used the ‘egg’ to symbolise where we all come from. We are all individuals and yet the same/humans. He used the 7 rays as a reflection of our divine connectivity.
Ray 1. Will Power. Singleness of purpose; Dynamic Power; Clear Vision; Detachment.
Ray 2. Love Wisdom. Love Divine; Attraction; Radiance; Power to save; Wisdom.
Ray 3. Active Intelligence. Mental Illumination; Power to manifest; Scientific investigation; Power to evolve; Balance; Power to produce synthesis on the physical plane.
Ray 4. Harmony through conflict. Power to express divinity; Dual aspects of desire; The synthesis of true beauty; Power to reveal the path.
Ray 5. Concrete knowledge or science. Emergence into and out of form; Power to make the voice of silence heard; Manifestation of the great white light; Initiating activity.
Ray 6. Devotion or idealism.
Ray 7. Ceremonial order or Magic.
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